Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So far I think I want to write my paper about what will happen to our country in regards to taxes. I know this sounds like a very boring topic but I feel that it is such a huge issue and I would like to learn more about how tax prices effect the different classes of Americans. I tried to narrow down this topic and arrived at John McCain's tax plan. I'm not sure if this is quite narrowed down enough but I want to focus on how his vision, if implemented, would effect the lower and upper income families in America. But at the same time I am also interested in how Obama's plan will effect us, so I may end up changing my mind. My sources for class today are both from the official McCain website. One outlines the basics of what exactly John McCain proposed to do in regards to taxes and why he thinks this will benefit our country. The other source is a speech given by McCain where he talks about the difference between Obama's and his own plan.

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